In the same way that my life was impacted by a blue corduroy jacket, millions of others have been too.
Concern or curiosity about food and farms? Hopefully some of those questions can be answered in these words.
Recently, some research I was doing for a client led me down a rabbit trail relating to the nutrients in specific nuts.
Concern or curiosity about food and farms? Hopefully some of those questions can be answered in these words.
Have you ever felt like the internet is a minefield of health, nutrition, and wellness information and you aren’t sure what is and isn’t good info? Ever wondered “What would someone who is actually qualified to talk about nutrition have to say”? Well, it’s your lucky day! Kirsti, a registered dietician who goes by @healthyandwholenutrition […]
Concern or curiosity about food and farms? Hopefully some of those questions can be answered in these words.
A couple of years ago, I took a nine day solo trip to Italy.
Concern or curiosity about food and farms? Hopefully some of those questions can be answered in these words.
Setting up my Christmas tree is a chance to reminisce and fall into a puddle of memories.
Concern or curiosity about food and farms? Hopefully some of those questions can be answered in these words.
We don’t need to suffer at work. We just don’t.
Concern or curiosity about food and farms? Hopefully some of those questions can be answered in these words.
Recently, some research I was doing for a client led me down a rabbit trail relating to the nutrients in specific nuts.
A lot of farm practices can appear confusing or worrisome, especially if you have never been on a farm. Some of these are controversial and I want to help you understand what is actually happening on a farm and why it’s safer than you might think.
Here you can learn more about what goes in to the food you eat, and how it gets safely to your table. We will talk about food safety, waste prevention, and more.
Learning how different foods are grown, along with the people who grow it, is a great way to feel better about what we are consuming. It is also so much fun to see where it all comes from and what goes into it!
Food companies often use fear and misconceptions to market their product. Enter your email below and you'll have 5 ways to beat them at their sneaky game.
oh, yes please